My Seller Pal
The system is an elaborate product for the Sellers on Amazon Seller Portal to gain an insight about various analytics and reports on an Interactive Dashboard. When Zobi Web Solutions got involved with the project, some part was already functioning and we were initially hired for development of few reports. However, looking at the insight and depth Zobi Web Solutions team brought to the reports, our work went on for more then 8 months with addition of systematic new reports. Zobi Web Solutions provided consultative product development services, where we even researched and provided suggestions about new reports and techniques to utilize.
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As such, there were no grave challenges for us for development but the most daunting tasks were to explore the Amazon API and identify what sort of data is being provided. Based on that, we have to design reports as to what could be useful for the Sellers. There were tonne’s of data that we have to go through every day in order to finalize the best set of analytics and reports for the end users.
- C#
- DevExpress Components
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap 4
Our Approach
- Analyse requirements of reports and data needed
- Research Amazon API for relevant data
- Create usecases with Demo Data and showcase Proof of Concept
- Implement the API to showcase reports and dashboards
- DevExpress Components Implementation
- Windows Services Implementation
Our Solution
User can create their own rules and can see alerts according to it.
User can also set priority for that rules say:High,Medium and Low.
There are also predefined rules in system that’s created by admin. User can opt-out from those rules by disabling those rules.
We have created an email template that can send over Emails on weekly basis to user.
The Email template highlights details about users products, last week sales detail, revenue details, top most products , worst products etc.