This project is a comprehensive online betting platform designed for gaming enthusiasts who enjoy placing bets on various games and earning rewards based on their wins and losses. It offers a seamless and engaging user experience, with a front-end built using React and a robust back-end utilizing ABP IO. The admin site provides a suite of functionalities to manage player data, track player rewards, log bets, and much more.
Eager to Use our Service?
Let’s discuss your ideas and see what our team can do for you.

- Multiple Gaming Types, Rewards, and Betting Features: Integrate diverse gaming options with rewards and betting functionalities.
- Data Security: Ensure robust security measures for data protection. Background Worker for Automatic Tasks: Implement automated background processes.
- Smooth Real-Time Experiences: Provide seamless real-time interactions.
- High Performance: Maintain optimal performance levels.
- Flexible Architecture: Design a scalable architecture for future growth.
- Intuitive Admin Interface: Develop a user-friendly admin interface for managing complex operations.
- .NEt core
- Abp.IO
- React JS
- Microsoft Azure
- MongoDB
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 5
Our Approach
Separation of Concerns: Maintain clear distinctions between different parts of the system.
Modular Design: Implement a modular architecture for better organization.
Decoupled Front-End and Back-End: Develop and maintain front-end and back-end independently.
Flexibility: Ensure easy adaptability to changes and new features.
Ease of Integration: Facilitate seamless integration with other services.
Our Solution
Betting Platform Integration: Players can place bets on various games and earn rewards based on outcomes.Payment API integration which accepts multiple currencies.
Feature-Rich Admin Site: Manage player data, rewards, and bet logs efficiently.