Vendcell Web App and Flutter based Mobile App
Vendcell is a leading Vending Operation Technology provider located in Australia. Since so many years into this business, Vendcell is very much aware of obstacles faced by vending machine business. Vendcell offers technical solutions to partners to achieve their business goals. Vendcell has a portal to manage the stocks of each client. Vendcell avail you with the product dashboards, manage stock details, regional data, generate reports, and many more things. VendCell Systems helps you to increase efficiency and maximize product availability to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.
Vendcell has also a mobile application to manage the product stocks. The mobile application makes the process easy to update stocks with each store by physical visit.
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It was unique and a huge concept and the challenge that an admin will have different clients and their products to manage. Our team came up with a custom solution after a lot of brainstorming in super-admins that can handle the admins who manage the stocks of the Product. The client wanted a Commission structure on Vendcell to manage the product region-wise and also update the stock at a time as well as inventory. We have developed a platform that generates stock reports and sales reports to manage the stock easily.
Admins can update the stock details of the product easily via a mobile app. Every admin has an account in the mobile app to update the stock details. When the staff member visits the store and check the actual stock and update it directly via mobile application. Also, update the quantity in the machine without packing slip and it’s called Curbside fill data. We have implemented functionalities to generate sales, products, commission, and other reports.
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Flutter
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 4
Our Approach
- Identify the best performing cities in top-selling and discover other cities that might be performing well.
- Keep track of product sales.
- Identify products we have include sales reports.
- Implemented Identity server.
- Integrated Google MAP API.
- Implemented Stock, Product, and Commission reports getting information on users.
Our Solution
Google map API Integration to manage and update the stocks location wise.
D3 Charts Implement to display data in form of chart.
Implement drag-and-drop functionality for managing the products.
Generate packing slip and fill the data into vending machine.