Why Blazor is next big thing in the web app development?



As most of the decision-makers and the technical person knows, Web App Development has been a tough task altogether especially in the last decade, the complexity has increased manifolds. With each complexity, developers are exploring their ways to adapt new ways to solve the problem and adapt to new realities with more vigour. One of such advents has been that the Web App Front-End Development has by default adapted to JavaScript frameworks as a permanent solution to every problem associated with it. Continue reading “Why Blazor is next big thing in the web app development?”

Why use ASP.NET for the eCommerce development?



E-Commerce has already been in trend now for quite some time. People love to shop online as they get multiple benefits of buying products online and the best of it is the ease of comparison, and ease of access with mobility and good security. Users can buy products they like from anywhere and at any time. With the current circumstance prevailing in the world regards to a pandemic, E-Commerce as emerged as a preferred solution. Continue reading “Why use ASP.NET for the eCommerce development?”

Advantages of AngularJS web app development


AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript-based Frontend Web Framework. It is mainly used for creating Frontend of the Web Applications where the backend can be on any technologies such as PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA, NodeJS etc. AngularJS was launched in October 2010 and it is mainly maintained by Google with a host of other contributors to it. It has been a Defining change to how Web Apps are being developed as it simplifies how the Web Apps are developed and tested. Continue reading “Advantages of AngularJS web app development”

Top technology trends to watch out post COVID-19

Top Technology Trends to watch out post Covid19

COVID-19 has emerged as the greatest challenge our world has ever faced. It has changed the lives of people in a very disruptive way. In a few months, it has transformed the lives of people on a great scale, affected industries, and stalled growth. However, technological innovation is one area that has adapted itself to thrive under challenges. Continue reading “Top technology trends to watch out post COVID-19”

eCommerce trends to watch in 2020

Latest eCommerce trends to watch in 2020

E-Commerce has been one of the defining revolutions of our time which have changed the way consumers shop. Zobi Web Solutions has been in the business for long and we have seen things evolve from customer’s perspective as well as technological advancements.

It was in 1995 that the first order on Amazon was placed which was for a Book. The E-Commerce industry was worth 1.4 Trillion US Dollars in 2014 and there is no looking back. Retail sales have been revolutionized by Ecommerce and it has evolved to cater to the changing needs of people and to make online commerce easier for new-age customers. Continue reading “eCommerce trends to watch in 2020”

How to secure wordpress website?

Steps to secure wordpress website

Being in the business of Website development for long we have heard many website owners raising concern about the security of a Website built using WordPress. This is a natural concern to occur because WordPress is an open source and all open source is vulnerable to different sort of attacks. So, whether if it’s a fact or not and how can we secure a WordPress Website? Continue reading “How to secure wordpress website?”