Top technology trends to watch out post COVID-19

Top Technology Trends to watch out post Covid19

COVID-19 has emerged as the greatest challenge our world has ever faced. It has changed the lives of people in a very disruptive way. In a few months, it has transformed the lives of people on a great scale, affected industries, and stalled growth. However, technological innovation is one area that has adapted itself to thrive under challenges. Continue reading “Top technology trends to watch out post COVID-19”

How to secure wordpress website?

Steps to secure wordpress website

Being in the business of Website development for long we have heard many website owners raising concern about the security of a Website built using WordPress. This is a natural concern to occur because WordPress is an open source and all open source is vulnerable to different sort of attacks. So, whether if it’s a fact or not and how can we secure a WordPress Website? Continue reading “How to secure wordpress website?”

Top wordpress plugins that can convert your wordpress website to mobile website

Top WordPress plugins that will help to convert your wordpress website to mobile website

In 2015, Google updated its algorithm to search results on the search engine and the major change is that the website should be mobile-friendly. As of this update, the focus of every web developer is to the mobile application or mobile-friendly website from a WordPress website or web-application.

As per the survey, more than 70% of people nowadays want mobile-friendly websites. From this, you can say that you have a mobile app with your website to stand in this competitive market. Below we show you some benefits of a mobile app. Continue reading “Top wordpress plugins that can convert your wordpress website to mobile website”

Top AngularJS frameworks that helps you to make AngularJS web applications

Top AngularJS Frameworks that will help you to make AngularJS Web Applications

Nowadays AngularJS has become an essential front end development for web applications. AngularJS is one of the best technology for building a CURD single page web application. With the use of AngularJS, a developer does not need to use any other framework to develop a front end web application. Continue reading “Top AngularJS frameworks that helps you to make AngularJS web applications”

Top 5 features of ASP.NET 5

Top features of ASP.NET 5

Nowadays we can use ASP.NET 5 to build modern web applications. It is an opensource web framework and easily run and deployed on Linux, Mac, and windows operating system. It includes many different features like MVC 6 framework that’s a combination of Web API and MVC into a single web programming framework. You can add real-time functionality with cloud-connected apps. It happened due to ASP.NET 5 is base for signals 3. For maximum compatibility ASP.NET 5 can also run on .NET framework. Continue reading “Top 5 features of ASP.NET 5”