Best cloud computing Services
What is cloud computing?
On-demand delivery of IT resources and services over the Internet called Cloud computing Services. It’s based on a pay-as-you-go pricing model. We can access the technology services without any hassle and buy, maintain, owning, physical data center, and the server according to our requirement from a cloud provider.
Who can use cloud computing?
From large-scale to small-scale different types of industries can use cloud computing services including disaster recovery, data backup, virtual desktops, email, software development, big data analytics, testing, and customer-facing web applications. For example, a healthcare company can use the cloud to develop personalized treatment for a patient, and video game makers can use the cloud to attract more players all over the world, and financial service providers use the cloud to stop any kind of fraud detection.

Why Cloud Computing
Cloud computing provides magnificence features which as follows

Control of sensitive data is important to every organization. It may disasters if the document gets into the wrong hand or untrained employee. The cloud provides hierarchical access control. By using the cloud, we can assign which user should have up to what level of access to what data. In the cloud, users can easily know by a notification that what access and documents are assigned to them.
Disaster recovery
Every organization has a concern about data loss. The cloud guaranteed us the security of data and the data is always available even if our physical component like a laptop, or desktop is damaged. The cloud provides data recovery options in all emergency scenarios.

Data security
Nowadays data security is a major concern with every business. Cybercrimes and data breaches can affect company revenue, loyalty, and brand image. The cloud offers many layers of security such as authentication, access control, and encryption which ensures the securities of users’ data.
Efficiency/cost reduction
Cloud infrastructure provides you an affordable amount of money on purchasing and maintaining the equipment that reduced the capital expenditures cost. By using cloud infrastructure we don’t need to buy and invest in hardware, facilities, or building a large data center to grow business. We don’t even need a large IT team to manage cloud data centers and operations as Cloud service providers to provide the support.

The cloud provides access to a wide range of technology which helps to complete the big task with less effort. We can allocate resources just when required for any infrastructure services, like storage, computing, databases, data lakes, and analytics.
We can deploy technology services within a minute and implement many things faster than before. This provides us the freedom to experiment and test new ideas to transform the business.
Cloud computing offers an elasticity we don’t need to worry about resources in the highest level of business activity situation. Cloud computing can easily handle this kind of situation. We can increase and decrease the capacity of resources according to our business requirements.
Deploy globally in minutes: We can expand the new geographic regions and deploy them globally within a minute by using the cloud. For example, AWS and Azure have infrastructure all over the globe, so we can deploy our application in multiple locations within a minute.

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Different Type Cloud computing

Infrastructure as a Service :
Infrastructure as a Service gives the primary building blocks for cloud IT, which provides the connection to networking features, data storage space, and virtual computer hardware. It provides excellent flexibility and management controls on our IT resources which is similar to the existing resource so the developer can use them easily.

Platform as a Service :
Platform as a service eliminates our need to manage basic infrastructure including hardware and software and. It will let us focus on the management and deployment of our application, which helps us be more efficient as we don’t want to worry about software maintenance, patching, capacity planning, resource procurement, or any other alike heavy lifting involved in running our application.

Software as a service :
Software as a service provides us a complete product that runs and maintains by the service provider. In many cases, people who refer to SAAS are referring to end-user applications. We don’t have to take care of how the service is maintained and how the basic infrastructure is managed by using SAAS. We only need to think about how we use that particular software.